Where once death loomed, new life springs forth.
Jesus comes to reveal to us that we belong with Him.
— Sr Miriam James Heidland (page 74 Loved As I Am)

Welcome to the self-paced Blessed and Blossoming Retreat

After watching the introduction video (above) you are now aware of the flow of our retreat. The entire retreat was originally offered through the month of July 2022. We have recorded each prayer session that accompanied our Saturday check-in. Each week also has a specific set of mysteries of the rosary and a weekly challenge, they are all outlined within the video and a written description can be found at the beginning of each week. Many prayers have been sewn into this retreat so please know, that even if you are participating on your own, you are not alone! May God deeply bless you through the intercession of our Lady and may the fruits of all the mysteries we pray together manifest in your spiritual life and grant you greater holiness and understanding of yourself as a beloved child of God.

WEEK ONE - audio recordings chapters 1-3, questions & chapter prayers

Week One focuses on the Joyful Mysteries and the spiritual fruit we need for inner healing and growth. Click this image to visit the Joyful Mysteries. For the purpose of the retreat, we pray one decade each day, Monday to Friday, and then all of the Joyful Mysteries on Saturday and Sunday.

week one - Saturday morning retreat prayers

Novena for the relief of poor souls downloadable booklet to pray along HERE

WEEK Two - audio recordings chapters 4-6, questions & chapter prayers

Week Two focuses on the Sorrowful Mysteries and the spiritual fruit we need for inner healing and growth. Click this image to visit the Sorrowful Mysteries. For the purpose of the retreat, we pray one decade each day, Monday to Friday, and then all of the Sorrowful Mysteries on Saturday and Sunday.

week Two - Saturday morning retreat prayers

WEEK Three - audio recordings chapters 7-9 & Conclusion, questions & chapter prayers

Week Three focuses on the Glorious Mysteries and the spiritual fruit we need for inner healing and growth. Click this image to visit the Glorious Mysteries. For the purpose of the retreat, we pray one decade each day, Monday to Friday, and then all of the Glorious Mysteries on Saturday and Sunday.

Click this image to be taken to the part of the video that includes the surrender prayer, a prayer to help us put down our stones and invite Jesus to heal the wounds that cause us to want to retaliate.

week Three - Saturday morning retreat prayers

please know you can reach out at any time through YOUR SELF retreat… if you want to talk about your journey or pray through something difficult.

use the form below to touch base. Our prayers are with you!